Plushie Maker
Well, after many years, the plushie maker is back! It's not quite as fully featured as before, but it should have the same colours and props as before. I'll add features to it over time ^^ I had this ready for release on the first of December (just like the last time) and then promptly forgot to release it yesterday <w<

Same deal as last time, look for a giftbox () next to the chibi avatar in the layout. You have a chance of getting one whenever you visit a new page. Click the giftbox to be taken to the plushie maker!
How to use the maker
First, find the giftbox near the avatar:
Once you've found the giftbox, click it to be taken to the plushie maker. You have to have found a giftbox for the plushie maker page to work ^_^

Click on the tabs to see the item options available. Click on an item to equip it - equipped items have an outline around them. Clicking an equipped item will remove it. Click on the colour palette to change the colour of the last item selected.
When you've finished customising your plushie, click on the "Save" icon underneath the plushie. This will turn it into a gif for you to save.
What can you do with your plushie?
These are only for personal use, so you can use them as profile pictures, decorations for your personal webpage, or even as emotes on your personal discord. I've made these free, so please do not attempt to resell these, or otherwise try to profit from them. Make someone a gift just for fun! Or send them the link so they can find a giftbox and make one themselves ^^