Hannah's musings and website update log.
The lure
Spent about an hour and a half on this (maybe 2 tops?). Definitely not anatomically correct, but it was fun to try out a bit of a different style~
I essentially had this base set finished in January (I used it here, here, here and here, with Jan 6th being the earliest date) XD But, it wasn’t shaded, because I found it easier to shade it when I made a doll on it.
However I figured I should probably shade it so it’ll be easier for others to use. And if you’re like me and want to take it back to the outline, hopefully it shouldn’t be too hard, I’ve tried to keep the shading basic X3
These are the first 11 poses, of 30 drawn. I’m going to call this the “OC” base, which stands for Obviously Chibi <_< This is a WIP, so it might change before final release. And as always, please be sure to check my base rules before using a base ^^
New Layout Coming Soon
I never seem to update this much D:
Anyway, got a new website layout underway (because it’s been a few years XD)! It’s similar to the current one, but a little bit more manageable for me XD
Also decided to drop support for IE6. I believe 0.2% of my users use it and there are many things that newer browser versions offer (including better security) that IE6 does not.
I’m busy working through the programming side of things at the moment. And a pixel chibi tutorial, so hopefully that should be out when the new layout is ready ^^
Got a couple of new bases too – one is already released on my Deviantart (because it’s icon sized), but the other will be released later.
Pictures of Grace
Erm, I forgot pictures of Grace last time >> I haven’t got any more recent ones off the camera yet, so these are a little older now XD
Me and my hubby with Grace, who was only a few hours old here~ She didn’t like having her hands wrapped in the blanket, and still doesn’t now XD
This one was taken when she was 5 days old. She’s now 2 months old (gee, how time flies…) and it’s amazing to see how much she’s grown since then! So I’ll try to get some newer photos off of the camera for when I next post something
Baby Grace & Moving House
Gee, been a while since I wrote anything here!
For those who knew I was having a baby, she arrived safe and well in early November, well overdue her due date. Hubby and I decided to call her Grace, because we’ve always loved that name.
We’ve also moved house, just under a week ago, and we’re still getting through everything. Busy busy XD
Anyway, I have been working on a few bits, slowly getting things done between nappy changes, feeding and early morning starts. Not too sure when they’ll be here though ^^;
Hope everyone had a great holiday season!
Images Working
Sorry if the images weren’t working when you guys checked last night ^^; I was updating my database last night and also changed some permissions…making all the images appear to disappear XP
Anyway, it should be all working again ^_^
May as well post a preview here – been working on a redesign of the Precious base, because it’s so…old x_X This isn’t finished yet, but it’s close~
The body has been completely changed XD The head has been adjusted too, but I’ve tried to keep the face similar to the old one. Now to finish shading the leg <_<
Site Up!
Finally, after several months, my new site is up! I actually had it basically done a few months ago, but I revamped the system to make it better >>
There’s several new tutorials under the pixel art section and a few new other pieces lying around. At least when I make stuff now, it’ll be easier to update my site XD
Anyway, what a week it’s been! Last Thursday, my father in law moved here, on Tuesday my brother in law told us he was engaged (^_^) and my dear hubby and I found out we’re having a baby~ Not sure how many weeks yet, but I’ll keep you posted.
There are several other bits of family drama / news in the wind too, but it’s still unfolding <<
I might get off here now, I’ve been sitting here for several hours waiting for my files to finally upload (internet kept dying D: ) and then doing some final checking.
WIP and Melbourne Icehouse
Yay! At this point, my site is very nearly done, the last thing to do is one of the most important – the home page << Been a good learning curve in terms of coding for me, having learned a lot more about PHP XD
Anyway, went to Melbourne’s newly opened Icehouse today. Being newly opened and going at a peak time, it was packed XP But it’s great to see such a wonderful ice skating facility here now ^^ I missed being able to go skating where I used to live, so it’s fantastic I can pick it up again~ I think I’m going to try the morning sessions though, my poor ears can’t take loud music…plus I’m hoping it won’t be as crowded.